Other Week Events

Venetian is more than music and games...

Preceding this year’s Worship on the Water, East Park will hoppin’ with hope! Hope to connect community resources with those in need and connect those of you who can offer service  to organizations that need extra hands (volunteerism). Over 20 regional nonprofits from Charlevoix, Antrim, and Emmet counties will be present with information on services available including food pantries, emergency shelter, substance abuse, mental health, and veteran aid. Join us in highlighting these critical community resources, whether you or someone you know need help, or you are able to offer time and/or support otherwise. This is your hub of hope! For more information on this event, or how to locate community services, email info@venetianfestival.com.

Northern Michigan’s very own Tommy Tropic has been captivating crowds for decades!  He already holds multiple world records related to his juggling prowess, but never enough – he wants to break his own record!!  Join him on Tuesday, July 23 at 6:30 a.m. on Waller Road, as he attempts to break his record for “The farthest distance traveled on roller/inline skates whilst juggling three objects.”  His record as it stands is 5,000 meters.  The event is sponsored by Ferguson & Chamberlain.

Tropic not only performs for fun and bragging rights, he often does so as a way to raise money for needy causes, including the Depot Jordan Valley Teen Center, the American Cancer Society, and ACT Katwea circus school in a large Ugandan slum that feeds, mentors and builds self-esteem in students.

Enjoy free food, tour the fire house, and honor the brave blaze-busters of Charlevoix Township on Tuesday, July 23rd from 4-7 p.m. at the Township Fire House, 8977 Martin Road.

Charlevoix Cinema III will again offer a free-admission movie as part of Kid’s Day, Thursday, July 25th.  The Land Before Time will begin at 10:30 a.m., and is sponsored by Charlevoix State Bank.

Saturday 7/26 -
Charlevoix All CLass Alumni Reunion

The CHS All Class Alumni Reunion will be held on Saturday, July 27th, immediately following the Venetian Street Parade, until 3 p.m. in the Tiki Tent in East Park.  Mingle with your mates, giggle at the gallery of old photos, and sip a sangria from the cash bar.

If you have memorabilia to share, please bring it with you. The Lions Club will have their famous chicken dinner for sale right next to the tent. The reunion is a private event for alumni and their significant others. The tent will not be open to the public at this time. Alumni dues of $5.00 per year may be paid at the reunion, but there is no charge to participate. Last year 185 alumni attended the event and we hope to see you there this year. For questions or offers to volunteer, please email Sherrel Bergmann at rayderberg@aol.com.

Rayder alumni sweatshirts and t-shirts are now available to order at the Rayderwear site on the Charlevoix High School Alumni Facebook page.